I was drinking my coffee this morning

Anyway, my coffee was done and shortly after, my mojo was going as well. I figured I'd let Little Dude play on Jumpstart so I could figure out what to say on here. I was going to get all nostalgic and sentimental, and then the shit hit the fan!! My computer was v-e-r-y s-l-o-w and everything kept crashing. 2 hours later, everything fixed, and he could finally play his new games. And by the way, once the technical problems were remedied,
So what was I going to get all teary eyed about you ask? Well, I will fill you in. GG is now in 2nd grade and almost 8 years old. She's no longer my little girl. And her latest list of spelling words really emphasizes this. There are words like "weighed" and "searched". This stuff is getting hard!! Well, for her it is. And Little Dude, he's now 4 and we're doing preschool. Do you know what that means? He'll be in Kindergarten in a year! My babies are growing up and I'll be all alone. Wait! That might be a good thing....hee hee!!!
Little Dude is soaking up new stuff like a sponge in water! He's on the computer by himself now. Heaven forbid I try to help him! You've never seen a temper tantrum until I try to intervene with his work.
And now on to me. What did I get myself into?!? I miss the good ole days when all I had to do was change diapers and prepare a bottle. Yes, that stuff is easy compared to the PTA!! I've made a decision, and darn-it I'm sticking to it.
I repeat
be in charge of any committees or big activities!!! Yes I will help set up and sure I'll help clean things up, but not one of those ladies will talk me into calling people to set up Fun Days, fundraisers, or any of that other crap! Ok, so they don't try to talk you into doing any of those things, but if you do, you're one step closer to being in the clic. Ok, so I really don't care about that. I never did care about being part of a group. I have my friends and I will help you out if you need it and hopefully make new friends in the process. But as much as I don't really care about being part of a group, it does kinda hurt a little when you feel like you don't completely belong there.
Although I will admit I am in charge of decorating the bulletin boards at GG's school - one in the hall and the other in the cafeteria. Little Dude comes with me to help, although I think he really only likes to go because the cafeteria ladies feed him chocolate Pop-tarts and chocolate milk. I would like to personally thank each of those ladies for sugaring him up and then having to deal with it by myself when we get home! But anyway, my bulletin boards rock!!! Now if only I can remember to take the camera next time I redo them to show you just how much they rock!!!
Ok, enough of my mindless ramblings.
Until next time....
The PTA is a social trap. I always felt like I wasn't in the know because I wasn't in charge of anything!
YOU do the bulletin boards?! I never had a parent do that for me...that is PLENTY of help my friend!
Have a great day. Stopping by from Sits
Stop by and return the love=)
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