For Your Listening Pleasure

Holy crap was it a long week!!! Let me sum it up for you....

Monday - Tuesday -

Wednesday -
Thursday -

Ok, so Thursday wasn't really a bad day. I mean, the Steelers beat Carolina, need I say more? And if you're from Carolina and reading this, I'm sorry. Ok, maybe not - I'm a die hard Steeler fan =)

So anyway, between running the kids to soccer and ready to kill someone by Wednesday, tonight is well deserved.

The Clarks are playing!!!!!
and it's free =)

I absatively posalutely LOVE the Clarks!!!!! And what makes it even better is that me and T are taking the kids with us. The kids love the Clarks almost as much as we do. As a matter of fact, Mike was singing parts of Penny on the Floor for a few weeks. At least until I told him about the concert. Then he suddenly started singing Ring of Fire. I know, he's an odd one, that boy!

Oh, wait, there's another bonus for the day! I finally found my Clarks shirt and now I am truly ready to see them tonight! I've been looking for this darn shirt for a month now to no avail. Should have figured it was under my husband' side of the bed!

And now, for your listening pleasure, I present the Clarks.....

Enjoy!!! I know I will!!

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