I am wired and ready to go today, which is a good thing because there's lots to do. Even more than my original list thanks to the little boy in the other room playing with Play Dough. I finally got the Snuggle Bug stuff out of the house - yay!! Now I have to get to work on putting the dining room back together. We can't start preschool until it's organized.
I finally finished my day planner for the school year. I am a co-leader for Paige's Brownie troop. Our meeting were supposed to be Thursday nights, but I was waiting to hear from soccer coaches to confirm that Thursday are good. I didn't want to write in all the Brownie stuff only to find out that the days would have to change. Doesn't it figure that Mike's coach called last night to say that his practice starts tonight. Nothing like the last minute!!! I suppose I should add "dig out the soccer stuff" to my list.
I'm also waiting for the landlord to return with a new lock for the front door. Hence the time killing blogging! Oh, we can lock the door, so don't worry, the house is safe. The problem is, we can't get back in. That might be a little problem!
I guess I should get back to tackling my to-do list. I should probably get lunch ready as well. I've learned that little people turn into spawns of the devil when they don't eat. And Mike just stuck a duck in his mouth. He should know better, but maybe he's just that hungry!
Until next time.....