I found the bottom of the sink (enter angels singing here)!! But guess what else I found???
The equivalent of a bowl of Spaghetti O's!!!
So this one goes out to the little people that inhabit my house.....

I swear, I'm gonna keep dishin' out these Post-Its until you get the darn message!!!
All I have to say is thank goodness Target has cheap bath rugs. Your late night, half asleep, zombified, stumble into the bathroom trips are killing me!!! I don't care how much you smile at me while your doing your business everywhere but where your supposed to. I'm tired of buying nice and fancy rugs. You know, the ones that are all fluffy and welcome your feet out of the shower with open arms? Ya, no more happy feet when getting out of the tub!!!
Ugh!!! Ya know what, I'm tired of saying the same thing over and over.
I'm done!!!!!
I'm outta here!!!

So, I'm not the only one who has to dig to find the bottom of the sink? I HATE DOING DISHES. Yes, I'm yelling; that's how much I hate it.
The bathroom thing: I still swear that we are going to make one boys' bathroom and one Mommy-only bathroom in the house. And then dh can deal with the mess...I'll never even set foot in there.
I wish I had made the boys bathroom all concrete....no sheet rock. And I wish I had put in a water spigot so I could just hose it all down...
I hate doing dishes too! My son is bad about just throwing his plate and cup into the sink and whatever food was on his plate ends up in the sink. It's just sooooo much fun to have to pull gross food out of the sink!
Yes, boys need their own bathroom. I agree!
OMG! All I have to say is thank God for Clorox wipes! I feel like somedays all I do is wipe up pee! I definitely need a girls only bathroom!
The dishes in my sink are currently spilling over onto the counter...I really should get on that!
dried ketchup on plates gets me....and pee rugs...ewwwww lol
Aren't these fun?! Don't you wish they were real now?
I thought I was the only one who continually purchased bathroom rugs.
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