But in the end, we had fun with the things we did get a chance to do. Here's some of our adventures!

Even I participated in the festivities. I do love Halloween so of course I had to join in on the fun!
I wore this....

Last night I chose another costume.....

And for those of you who read about my hat hunt , I did let the kids sleep for a bit before retrieving the hat.
If you don't know about my hat troubles, go read it so you're not so confused!
I even dressed up for tonight. I threw on my Crosby jersey and, voila! I was a fan!
I really am a Pens fan, but that was a lame attempt at a costume. In my defense, it's cold outside. If I threw on my jersey over a hoodie over a t-shirt over a long sleeve shirt I was warm. When the kids are begging me to let them stop walking and have me carry everything, the last thing I need is to be cold!
And finally, tonight was trick-or-treating! I had no idea what to expect because in past years we have gone to my mom's house and went around my old neighborhood. We would fill half a pillow case if we were lucky. And that's with 2 kids. This time we stuck to our own neighborhood. GG has lots of friends here and I figured she would enjoy running into her friends. And as it turned out, trick-or treating with them.
We did 1 road and it was worth it.
Yes said 1 road!!!
That's at least twice as much as we got last year! Good thing the 5th graders are collecting candy to make care packages for the troops overseas. We certainly don't need all that junk and the troops definitely deserve a treat.
Gotta love the reward at the end!!!
Until next time...
The photos are simply pretty!
Stopping in from SITS.
That is a great idea about the candy. I should send you mine.
WOW that's quite the hall of candy! Love your costumes!!
Looks like you had a great time! That's quite a haul and I love everyone's costume!
Great costumes! Looks like you had fun!
Unbelievable amounts of candy there! I love your pumpkin costume!
Those Frankensteins came out really cute. I'd make one myself!
That's awesome that they're making care packages with some of their candy. Really, truly great.
Stopping over from SITS Halloween Parade :o)
oh what a good idea! the troops thing!!
i saw that in another state !!
love the costumes!
ahem.. i was wondering if you dressed up ahem.. for hubby .. ahem.. cough cough
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