MommyBrain and SupahMommy
As far as a soundtrack for my life, I don't think I really have one. But there are a lot of songs that have mucho meaning to me. Either they remind me of someone close to me or make me think of a part of my life that just rocked! Here's a few of those songs...
1. Free Bird~ I have seen Skynyrd so many times that I need to use fingers AND toes to count!!! I pretty much love all their songs, but this one is by far the best. And to get the full effect, you have to hear it live. And I don't mean hearing the live version on the radio. I mean you have to see them live and in concert! It's funny how I can't stand to listen to a 10 minute song on the radio, but when it's live and extended to half an hour, it just rocks!
Why does this make me move? Um, have you ever heard the song?!
But really, the first part of the song is kinda sad for me and my BFF, which happens to be the person that I have to every Skynyrd concert with. It reminds us of a close friend who passed away years ago. But once the beat picks up, we're jammin like nobody's business! I guess it's the bi-polar song of rock 'n' roll.

our friend wasn't in the military,
but I love this picture that was shown
during the song this past summer
And have you ever noticed that there's at least one fool in the crowd at any concert screaming "FREE BIRD!!!!!"?
That fool is usually me
2. Help me out~ I love, love, LOVE the Clarks!!!! If you've never heard them, I apologize because you are missing out on some kick a$$ music. Go to youtube and find out! Even my kids love them! We took them to see the Clarks about a month ago and they had the best time ever! You should have seen them singing along and Paige playing air guitar! I hope they always remember their first concert as a great one!
I don't think there's a song they sing that I don't like. Actually, there's not a song of theirs that I don't like! But Help Me Out is one of my favorites! It's especially good for highway driving. I seem to get where I need to go a lot faster. I think it's makes me pedal happy!
3. Everybody clap your hands!! In this house we love the Cha Cha Slide. I bought a CD for my daughter specifically for that song! Whenever it's played at a wedding, party, or a neighbor's house, Paige makes a bee line for the dance floor (or back porch) with me in tow so we can dance out hearts out!
No we don't spy on our neighbors or sneak into their houses just to listen to some music. Someone was having a party last summer and they just happened to play the Cha Cha (over and over). We just took advantage of the opportunity to move it move.
4. She's Got a Way~ He, not she. Billy Joel that is. I grew up listening to him and over time realized the this song is just beautiful. Every time I hear I break down into tears. My goal, which I've been trying to accomplish since high school and keep getting screwed, is to see him in concert. I would give my left arm for that! I heard rumors that he may stop here for a show in the near future. I just might have to give up an arm and maybe leg just to be able to afford the tickets!
This song also makes me think of my own daughter.
5. Do you wanna get rocked? I've been on a huge Def Leppard kick as of late. Probably because that was the last big concert I saw. As it stands now, that show beat my #1 concert of all time, which happened to be Aerosmith. What stinks is we didn't get to see their encore because heaven forbid we were really late picking the kids up. And of course the encore was the one song we wanted to see. C'est la vie! Any show that me and my husband have gone to together is a memorable part of our lives, but I think this particular show was the absolute best so far!
Now that I look back over this I realize that Paige and I have a lot of connections through music. Maybe she's more like me than I realized.
Until next time...
How sweet that you connect so much through music. My kids are still into songs that are on the Disney Channel or movies.
I, too, heart Billy Joel!
Good list... SO, how was Sknyrd in concert?
I saw your comment under my Def Leppard concert post... I am a big fan of them too, but I actually though Poison gave the better performance at that concert. :)
Skynyrd is great! We have a blast every time we see them!
Poison was pretty good, too. Brett grew up not to far from me and seeing him come on stage waving a Terrible Towel was just awesome!
Never heard of The Clarks, so thank you.
I have the Skynrd box set to clean house to...weird huh?
And love Billy Joel too!
Free Bird is classic. I love playing it on guitar hero!!
3 words.. ( and a few more)
billy joel
def lepard
I saw DL with BryAN Adams a few years back!!!!
It was so fetchin awesome.
and if billy joel comes back here..
i'll be pushing people down to see it.
he's one of my 'just once"
Michael jackson
janet and madonna
celine dionne
are the others.
What a great list! I have not been to a concert in sooooo long. I think the last show I saw was Buffett at Fenway Park. I need to get out more. I think it is great that you and your daughter share a similar taste in music :)
What a fun list and a trip down memory lane for myself with some of those songs!! Very fun post!!!
Great choices! Maybe if I give my right arm and you your left, we can both get to see Billy Joel! Love him!
I love Def Leppard! When I was pregnant with my oldest (I was young...way young) I use to put headphones on my stomach and to this day she still like them. She's 26 now.
That's not like child abuse...right?
Def Leppard still rocks to this day! Love them! I remember seeing that they were on some country music awards performing with Taylor Swift.
Your list is seriously rockin' ... I had somehow forgotten about The Clarks ... thanks for the reminder. I jammed out on YouTube just now!
This MEme is so much fun because music is so personal and taste so varied. Awesome!
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