Luckily the crappy weather and my frustrations at being forced into the situation where I have to drive him to work kept my mind off of bigger issues at hand. That is until I walked out of the school after dropping GG off (4o minutes late - ugh!).
We walked her into the office to get her late pass. We gave her good-bye hugs. I told her if her friend was in school, although I highly doubt she'll be there, to give her a big hug. A tragedy has hit her friend's family.
Last night I received a phone call from a friend. I hoped with everything I had that she was calling to ask a favor. Maybe her daughter was sick and she needed me to drop off her work. Sadly I was wrong. She was calling to give me the news that our friend, Marie, had lost her battle to pancreatic cancer.
I cried, was in shock, and then went into a state of denial.
GG was just at her house last Friday to have a playdate with her daughter. I knew my friend wasn't doing well at all. Part of me was hoping it was just side effects of her meds, but the other part of me knew that was wrong. This loss hit me as I walked out of the school this morning. She was very involved in her daughter's lives and very involved with the school.
Because of this, I think it's going to be a very long week. I wish I could fast forward and get this week over with.
I also wish I could get some answers. I don't understand why she had to be taken from this world. I know in my heart that she is now at peace, and I am thankful for that. But I don't understand why she had to go through what she did in the first place. Why do some people overcome their battles with cancer, but others cannot? And why are good people forced to battle such an ugly thing in the first place?
I wish I knew.
Until next time...
That's so heartbreaking.
I'm terribly sorry to hear about your friend. (((hugs)))
I'm so sorry you lost a friend. Many prayers and positive thoughts for you and all her loved ones.
I am so sorry for your loss and her families loss...cancer is awful, I have found myself asking why everyday since losing my mom to the horrible disease.....
Im truly sorry my friend...I find myself at a loss for words, just know Im sending hugs and prayers your way
I am really sorry to hear this news. I hope you have a good week even though it may be a little ruff. Hugs..
I am so sorry for your loss. Pancreatic cancer is horrible. It is going to be rough the next couple so here are some cyber hugs for you <<>> and <<>>.
I'm so sorry to hear about your friend...(((((((((hugs)))))))
This is incredibly hard. Pancreatic cancer never has a good outcome that I have heard. Still, loss is hard no matter what.
It's so hard to lose a friend to death. And even when you know they have cancer and it doesn't look good. You always think they will rally...we here it all the time...brain cancer victim is cured! Well it didn't happen for me that way once and it devastated me. It's been 4 years today in fact. And while I miss her terribly the sting is gone. I know I will see her again someday.
My heart and prayers are with you, your family, and your friend's family - one of my best friends is living with colon cancer. We are so scared of the same phone call one day.
Happy SITS day!
It truly amazes me that with all the technological advancements we have made, we still can't find a cure for this. I'm so sorry for the loss of your friend
Hugs and prayers to you!
So hard! So terrible. I'm so sorry. Big hugs!
Evonne, I'm going to have to remember the way you described trying to drive to school in snow, when I wake up whining about our heavy fog.
I'm so sorry that your friend lost her battle with cancer. I wish you, your family, and hers continued healing and peace.
Cancer is such a hard thing all around. I send my wishes and prayers to your friend's family and yours. I hope you are all comforted through all of this and even the aftermath that may linger.
Good luck,
I'm so terribly sorry to hear of the loss of your friend. I've often wondered the same thing; why are some people taken away from us much too young? It saddens me the most when these people are mothers or fathers, but I'm glad she had such a good friend in you.
My thoughts and prayers go out to you, your friend, and your families. XOXO
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