I will be the first to admit
that stores put their holiday junk out
WAY too early.
But Cadberry Eggs... O.M.G!!!!
The earlier they are out,
the more time I have to enjoy them.
And not those mini POS eggs.
I want to big ones.
If you're gonna eat a Cadberry egg
you have to get the real deal!
And, yes, I looked like an ass dancing
when I saw them at the store last night!
Do I care?
Absatively not!!!

I still had to get up and take GG to school
but there's a huge difference between 6:00 and 7:30.

And as quiet as I tried to be, the bugger still woke up!
And then took a nap at dinner time.
Which means he was up late.
So today has the potential to be a very long day.
Need more Cadberry ~ that will help!

Now head on over to SupahMommy's place to check out some more funny posties!

Until next time...
Cadburry eggs are delish!
This must be the day for late naps and late nights. Hope it goes better for both of us tomorrow. :)
Oh!!!!! Cadberry..me want NOW!
Im one of those unlucky people that are allergic to cadbury eggs...I hear they are so good.
YUCK - I have never liked Cadbury eggs - don't ask me why as I have no idea! Maybe it's psychological -I'm not real fond of real eggs either! HA!
You can have the cadbury eggs....but the Reese's peanut butter ones are MINE!
Cadberry eggs already? They are such a downfall for me. It's not that I even like them that much, they just signify Easter candy to me!
OHHH I LOVEEEEEEEEE CAdbury eggs LOVE them lol
I'm sorry... I just can share in your delight over cadbury eggs. Blech.
Chocolate definitely makes things better. It's pretty much a miracle drug. ;)
cadbury rocks!
i heard and read NOTHING after cadbury eggs. Now, i can't stop thinking about them.
I will have to see if we have any of those eggs in our store. Have a great day.
Lol my hubby LOVES those eggs everytime i send him to the store he comes back with handfulls! haha
Cant wait to chow down on those eggs come Valentines Day. =)
I hate candy...all of it...Yeah, right! I'm just a bitch in training from Lose It Bitches so I have been brainwashed to say that!
Enjoy your eggs!!
And thanks for stopping by my blog earlier :)
I hate candy...all of it...Yeah, right! I'm just a bitch in training from Lose It Bitches so I have been brainwashed to say that!
Enjoy your eggs!!
And thanks for stopping by my blog earlier :)
You pulled out a "motherbitch"!!!
Shell would be so proud...
Confessions From A Working Mom
Cadbury Eggs....I'm doing the Homer Simpson drool gurgle right now. Ahhhgahhhhaahhhhgaaaahhhhhhhh! Love them!
Oh my gosh, don't tell me they're in the stores already. That's a freaking diet-breaker for sure. I am an equal-opportunity egg lover, I can down the small or the large ones with equal delight. That sounded wrong. But oh, so right.
annoyed by the commercials but love the eggs...
I love Cadberry eggs!
I used to LOVE Cadbury eggs.....I'll lick and lick for days. Which really grosses me out now. I haven't had one in years......guess I'd better buy one for old times sake. :)
OMG!!!!!!! I can follow blogs again!!!!!!!!!
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