Not only is it Friday, it's also Family Fridays.

Lori @ Peterson St. Louis
Amy @Keeping Up With the Schultz Family

I am going to smush those 2 together and share 2 of my family's favorite recipes. They are what I like to call poor man's dinners. They are cheap, quick, and easy. Great for days when we have to cram our faces so we can rush to soccer or Brownies.
Recipe numero uno... Soup over rice.
It really doesn't need much of an explanation. Get some cans of Chunky soup (we prefer sirloin burger) and serve it over some rice. It's also really good on those bitter cold winter nights.
Recipe #2 - Salsa Mac.
Make a box of macaroni and cheese. While the noodles are cooking, brown a pound of ground meat. Dump a jar of salsa on the meat and heat through. Mix in the macaroni and cheese when it's done cooking.
The only problem I have with Salsa Mac is my finicky daughter. She loves tomatoes, but not when they're cooked. Typically my kids are great eaters. For example, GG was talking about not getting enough of her favorite food. I was expecting chocolate or ice cream to come out of her mouth, but no. She says "Broccoli"!
Not something you would expect an 8 year old to say, is it? Of course, Little Dude, who's 4 loves to clean. My kids may not always be typical, but I wouldn't trade them for the world.
I think every Round Robin I have participated in I have mentioned some crochet project or another. Yes, new visitors, I crochet and I love it. I guess you could say I'm hooked!
This post just doesn't seem right if I don't include my latest project. I am making a sweater for myself. This is my attempt at an article of clothing and after a year of crocheting, this is the first thing I am making for myself.

I only need to finish the last 1/4 of the second sleeve and the left front. And then sew it all together of course. I can't wait! Although it will probably be too hot to wear it by the time I'm done. Oh, well!
Thanks for stopping by! I hope everyone has a great weekend!
If you have a minute, please visit My Pixie Dreams. Her 16 month old daughter is battling cancer and needs all the support she can get. If you are able to make a financial donation please click the button below to be redirected to a Paypal account for this family. Thanks!
Until next time....

WOW...that macaroni sounds AWESOME. I'm going to have to try that one of these days!
My kids would love that macaroni.
And, I love the colors in that sweater.
Thanks for linking up.. I have to go over to that site and read up. I have seen that picture every place I have gone. How kind of you to post it..
I am very happy you took the time to show off both of my events.. Thanks for sharing something new and yummy..
Have a great weekend..
My kids aren't picky- except about weird things. Like my Monkey not eating pizza.
I have to email you real quick...
Happy FF!
Thanks for showing the Mission Monkey support today!
You are pretty incredible to be able to include so much into one post! I have never heard of mixing anything with mac and cheese. My son would eat it....he loves combining his foods!
Thanks for playing along today and passing along support for Mission Monkey!
Hi there! Happy FF (On Saturday-LOL)
Have a Great Weekend!
Bridgette Groschen
Groschen Goblins
Salsa Mac sounds yummy...
You are very creative...
sorry for being late..
Mine is here
Have a beautiful Sunday!
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