Helicopters and a Big Black What?!?

Worried mama bear
Big black what
Inside on a hot day

I'm sure by now you're wondering what I'm talking about. Well, let me show you...

Black bear

A black bear was spotted a few miles from my house last Friday. It was shot with a dart, but got away, only to be seen a few more times over the weekend.

Yesterday morning when the boy and I got back from taking the husband and GG where they needed to go, I heard a helicopter. After a few minutes I noticed I still heard it. So we went outside to check things out. 45 minutes that thing circled the skies over our house! I wondered if the bear was close by because I hadn't heard about it being caught yet.

Real quick let me explain my 'hood. It's 1.5 square miles. Not big at all so you're crazy if you think I was going to leave my house! And we're about 10 minutes from downtown. In other words... NOT BEAR COUNTRY!!!!

The explanation of the bear is that it is young. Mama bear just set it free to learn how to live on it's own. It's probably not very dangerous being young, but still, a bear is a bear! I hope they catch it soon!

Until next time....


Unknown said...

Oh wow, see that would be interesting and scary at the same time. I would love to see it from the other side of my window lol..

Oka said...

So, I take it you don't want to catch it and make it a family pet??? PETA, JK! Promise!

We live close to an air force base, so I probably wouldn't have been phased by a helicopter.

Amy said...

Bear on the loose could make for an interesting way to spend your day...

Have a great day..

Kmama said...

Ooh, that would be scary. Thankfully it was/is a bear and not some criminal on the loose.

However, if I saw a bear, baby or not, I would poop myself. ;-)

Melissa said...

I would have been scared mama bear was somewhere out there too!! happy PINT

MommyLovesStilettos said...

Bears totally freak me out. I wouldn't leave my house!

Stacey @ Chasing Cloud 9 said...

WOW! That would freak me out too!

Amy @ Marvelous Mommy said...

Aw it's cute...deadly...but cute! lol Happy PINT!

Anonymous said...

OMG how crazy.....

jayayceeblog said...

Well, that sounds interesting! No wonder your son was so captivated. The bear looks cute in the picture, but that's as close as I'd want to get. We had a helicopter going back and forth over our house one night with a spotlight, shining it in back yards. Creepy! I'm sure they weren't looking for a bear!!!

Shell said...

Yikes! I hope they find it soon!

cfoxes33 said...

How exciting!

Arena @ {thenerdswife} said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog!

That is *crazy* about the bear. I'd barricade myself in the house, too!

Cyndy Bush said...

But baby bears are soooo cute!
Hope they catch it quickly!