I'm a Girl Scout Leader. Once a month on a Wednesday, the leaders have a meeting. We discuss what each troop is doing and any events that are coming up. All we do is talk and sometimes I take notes. You wouldn't think listening to someone talk for close to 2 hours would be tiring. But it is.
After every meeting I come home, plop my butt on the couch, and watch crappy TV. My brain just cannot function.
But that has since changed.
The other leader of our troop has been bringing her baby to the meetings. Leader meetings have turned into baby time for me. He's a big boy, but oh, so cute. When her arms just can't hold him anymore, I gladly take over. If she needs to do something, I will gladly take a hold of him while she works. Sometimes I wonder if I just have that look in my eye that screams "I need a baby fix!!!'
I absolutely love babies, but the husband and I have decided that 2 is enough. Hell, sometimes Little Dude by himself is more than enough! But anyway, the husband has very justified reasons for stopping at 2 and quite frankly, we couldn't swing it right now even if we wanted another baby. Financially and spatially. Although he probably wouldn't have to twist my arm too much if he did change his mind.
For now, it's probably best that I get my baby fix through other people's children. Plus, I can give those kids back when they start to cry. That's probably the best part!
Until next time....

OH I still need baby fixes. I think there is nothing like having a little one snuggled into the neck and you can smell their baby smell. That right there is what peace is...
Okay, I have 4, so it's different. I AM DONE. It helps that I babysit a year old and 2 7 year olds. I love returning them to their families daily ;)
I even get a baby fix occasionally on weekends. Our Church's baby nursery has been maxed out. 12 babies. I work security in the building, it's part of my job to see if they need me to help page a parent when any child needs them. Often I walk over tot he nursery to check on the inconsolable child. I usually get handed a baby as soon as I walk up to the door.
Other people's children are perfect for that much needed baby fix. I need to see my friend soon, so I can love on her little one!!
Anything that happens late at night makes me tired. Bless you for being a troup leader!
I hope my message went in..
It did not.. OOps..
I am with you I love babies. I know that after we have this one we will be done. I now that I will want more someday but two is just plenty for us..
Have a great weekend..
I went through a period of time where I really wanted another one. In fact, I'm still amazed I only have the one, I always thought I'd have LOTS of kids! But now that she is 10, and I'm divorced (even though I am in a great relationship right now) I have changed my mind, for soooo many reasons. I do love other peoples babies tho :)
I'm so not a fan of the teeny tiny age. What gets me is seeing the bigger families when the kids are, like, 10, 8, 6 and 4. That's when I think, "Oooooh, they'd have all these siblings!!"
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