I'm being honest here, I really don't. I love to shop now, but when I was her age, I could have cared less. At her age, I rarely wore jeans. I was all about the sweats. And I had no clue where to begin when it came to my hair.
GG is quite the opposite of me as a child. She is all girl!
We had to run to my mom's. My mom surprised her with a catalog she received in the mail from Justice. Have you ever heard a little girl squeal? Let's just say it's probably a good thing I have 2 pairs of glasses!
My little diva was checking out every little thing on the pages of that catalog on the way home. The irony of the situation? We were listening to Material Girl on the radio.
Perhaps I can use that as a lesson on how not to act.
And since Little Dude now loves that song, maybe we can use it to teach him how to act just in case his girl is a material girl!
Until next time....

the grandparents have turned all four of mine into material kids....ugh
Buddy is the one that cares about how he looks all the time. I keep saying, "You're only six! It doesn't matter."
Today was dress like a rockstar day. Oh my heavens what we went through this morning. *sigh*
My youngest is a little fashion diva. We were in Justice earlier tonight, their prices KILL me!
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