The real way to exercise

I am constantly saying "I learn something new everyday".

This is usually my sarcastic response in regards to something stupid a person does. Like Charlie Sheen. Someone may get punched if I hear "winning" one more time, but you have to admit, the nonsense that comes out of his mouth is like a bad car crash. You just have to look and listen.

This line is typically my witty sarcasm shining, but yesterday I really did learn something. I learned the proper way to do step aerobics.

GG was home sick. To make her feel better, I started to make a beanie for one of her American Girl dolls. I attempted to make this hat Sunday night but made it 10 different kinds of wrong. This time I wanted to try it on the doll before I finished.

This is where I introduce the proper way to do step aerobics.

Run up 13 steps to try hat on doll; Run down 13 steps to return to the dining room where supplies are

Run up 13 steps to get the doll to model the finished product; Run down 13 steps to give doll to sick daughter

daughter starts complaining

Run up 13 steps to get thermometer from the medicine cabinet; Run down 13 to take child's temperature

Run up 13 steps to retrieve the Motrin from the medicine cabinet; Run down 13 steps to administer medicine

Take a break for a few hours, eat dinner, get homework done with the other child, then repeat.

Run up 13 steps to get the thermometer, Run down 13 steps because it's downstairs

Run up 13 steps to get the bath ready for the kids; Run down 13 steps because the Motrin was also left downstairs

Run up 13 steps to help get kids ready for bed; Run down 13 steps with laundry basket

we have now introduced strength training

Run down 12 steps to throw laundry in washer; Run up 12 steps and take a breather.

Repeat the run down and up the 12 steps once more for good measure. And maybe because the kids need clean clothes.

I'm typing this Monday night and I can tell you one thing, I am exhausted. If GG is sick again Tuesday, the first thing I am doing is gathering all my sicky supplies and putting them all in one place. If she is better and returns to school, I am taking a nap!

Until next time....


Unknown said...

Oh dear Lord my legs would have fallen off.. hands ya the muscle rub..

Oka said...

Sounds like absent mindedness/mommy brain plays a part in step aerobics.

Unknown said...

Good Job on the endurance training at least while you were upstairs that one time you remembered to grab the laundry and run it down to the washer and transfer stuff to the dryer.

Kmama said...

I hope you're taking a nap, and not gathering supplies!!

Kristin said...

Hope GG is feeling better and you are resting today.

Claremont First Ward said...

Sounds like a definite work out. Is GG sick again today?

Losing Brownies said...

Maybe you can market it as a new weight loss program? Hope GG is feeling better soon.