Gobble, Gobble til I Wobble

Gobble, gobble
I shall eat til I wobble


Turkey, taters, stuffing, more
All of which I will explore


Chocolate pie, pumpkin pie, oh boy!
Can you tell I'm full of joy?

Click to see What I am thankful four
But wait, come back! There's so much more!

I'm thankful for my husband, C
For with me he will always be


I'm thankful for a roof above my head
And when I'm tired I have a bed

I'm thankful for the food I eat
Whether it's veggies or some meat

I'm thankful for the friends I've made
Especially those with some "lemonade"


I'm thankful for so many things
More than the amount of Steeler's Super Bowl rings

Super Bowl

To all my friends out there...

May you eat until the powers that be
Tell you to stop
Before you pop

Stay safe
Stay healthy
and most of all...


Pilgrim and Indian

Thank you Mama Kat for letting me share.

Until next time...


Chief said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you too!

Amy said...

Happy Turkey day..

Jen said...

That was cute.

Happy Thanksgiving.