Most people try to avoid the hospital, but it was a billion and 1 degrees outside and our house didn't, and still doesn't, have AC.
Adding to the billion and 1 degree jungle outside, I was also 9 months pregnant and huge! I had no idea my
In case you haven't figured it out yet, I was in the hospital for a good reason.
5 years ago today I gave birth to an 8lb, 5oz
These past 5 years have been full of tears on my part and laughs on his part for all the crazy stunts he has pulled! Quite frankly we all need to be thankful that he has made it to birthday #5! But I love him all the same!
His family party was this past Saturday. When it came time to open his gifts, my rambunctious little boy clammed up. He loves to show off, but on his terms. Telling him he had to do something in front of a bunch of people was like pulling teeth. GG and my mom helped him with his first gift...

per request of my mom
I ever so nicely did some editing.
Had I realized that this present in particular
contained not 1, but 2 Nerf guns,
I wouldn't have made such a promise!
After gently opening 1 or 2 gifts, Little Dude quickly caught on and all hell broke loose. Paper everywhere, cards strew about the living room, and a brand spanking pile of new toys!
Like most parties, cake follows presents. And that's just what happened this night. Little Dude chose a cookie cake earlier in the day. I also took him to the party store for some supplies.
Like most parties, cake follows presents. And that's just what happened this night. Little Dude chose a cookie cake earlier in the day. I also took him to the party store for some supplies.
Make a wish Little Dude!
The whole hell breaking loose only continued after cake and ice cream were consumed. I do believe my brother and the garden hose had a role in that as well. Damn him!!
It really is a miracle this little boy hasn't induced more hospital stays. He has his moments, but he really is a good kid. But if I had to pick one work to describe him, it would be fearless! Hopefully Little Dude's wish was to survive another month! One more month and then he starts the big K.
In other words, no longer my problem!!! Someone else can handle trying to tame the beast!
The whole hell breaking loose only continued after cake and ice cream were consumed. I do believe my brother and the garden hose had a role in that as well. Damn him!!
It really is a miracle this little boy hasn't induced more hospital stays. He has his moments, but he really is a good kid. But if I had to pick one work to describe him, it would be fearless! Hopefully Little Dude's wish was to survive another month! One more month and then he starts the big K.
In other words, no longer my problem!!! Someone else can handle trying to tame the beast!
Happy birthday, Little Dude!
Or should I say Big Dude!
Or should I say Big Dude!
Until next time....

Happy birthday to Little Dude (and congrats to you for making it 5 years! LOL).
Happy birthday big dude.. I am so with ya multiply that number by 3 boys lol and you have me with less hair roflmbo
Happy Birthday to him! Sounds like he had to kinda ease into the whole thing that day.
Happy bday little dude! :)
Happy birthday little dude! Lol @ one more month til he's someone else's problem. The kindergarten countdown is on here, too!
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