Last night I went over to my friend T's house. We've been friends since we were 7 years old and we're thick as thieves. It feels so great when we get together, whether it's going out of just hanging out at one of our houses.
The reason for getting together last night was so I could make this announcement...
T and I have decided that we need to discuss before purchasing in the future. The last 2 times we've done our hair we have picked the exact same color. Last time it even went as far as choosing the same brand. I guess great minds think alike!
Last night, not only was our hairs transformed, but we were transformed into little girls giggling over the stupidest things. Honestly, we can get like that on your average night, but last night was especially bad. You see, the brand I bought was called Perfect 10. Now if you have ever dyed your hair yourself, then you know that, on average, it takes about 20 minutes for the goo on your head to magically transform your hair. This particular brand only takes 10 minutes, hence the name. I really didn't think it through too much beforehand, but I realized it meant that the stuff was twice as potent. Hair dye usually doesn't smell all that great, but this stuff... good gravy! I thought I was going to pass out! And the goofiness after consuming those fumes - you would have thought we were
But in the end, I love my new hair.
Chris has informed me he loves it as well, but he's also explained that he's afraid to ask me any questions. We all know how fiery red-heads can be!
Until next time....

You look wonderful...ya sure know how to work that red hair. ;)
sounds like you had a great time, friends are awesome:) sounds like you have a great one.
Love it! So vibrant and cheery!
oooh, i like it. it is really a nice color.
I like it! I constantly change my hair.
Sounds like good times! Luv the Color!
Cool!! Are you a natural red head?? I went red once and it was NOT GOOD on me. LOL In fact, I got my hair done yesterday and my hairdresser and I were discussing my previous red.
Aww! Adorbs! I have a soft spot in my heart for redheads. :)
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