I'm Changing My Name

Yes, soccer season starts this week. For GG anyway. And the one time I forgot to mention on the registration which nights weren't good is the season she has practice on a bad night.
Due to Brownies, she'll have to miss every other practice. But I want her to go this week because it's the first practice.

My mom agreed to take her - thanks Mom!!!

But remember that 3 feet of snow we had
that just melted? It is a mud pit out there!
And let's pretend my house is at sea level...
That would make her practice field on the ocean floor.

I saw this in my horoscope today.
It's a reference to friends.
So to anyone I've formed a friendship with out there
Thank You!

I feel like crap so while I'm trying to get better,
click the Post-It below.

Until next time...


Kel said...

Too FunnY!

Unknown said...

I used to tell my kids I changed my name to alouischious jebediah hornswaggle mathuselah.. Or some bad word they are not allowed to say lol..

Anonymous said...

I hear MAMA! and reply "Mama left" LOL

Eliza said...

I stopped by from Supah's....too funny! I hope you feel better!

Kmama said...

I wondered what you've been up to. I'm sorry you're sick.

I don't envy you for having to do laundry after GG's practice!!

I am Harriet said...

Not a DST fan myself this morning.

Enjoy your day!

extreme personal measures said...

Following you from Supah Mommy!
Great Post-It’s Today!

Stop on over:

Amy said...

Oh I hope you feel better. Love the name change..

Have a great day.

Lisa said...

I changed my name years ago...it didn't help:)

You're right- DST sucks bigtime!!

BNM said...

Haha my mom used to say.. Im changing my name to SHIT & I dare you to say it! LMAO!!!!!

Meeko Fabulous said...

Your horoscope is talking about Survivor!!!

Hair Bows & Guitar Picks said...

I am so hating DST too!

Shell said...

Love the toothpick thing!

Allison said...

He He! I'm changing my name too...you think it will really work?? LOL

Lisa said...

I hear kids hollaring MAMA in the store and still turn to look if its mine...mine are grown!

Anonymous said...

hehe my mom tried that once, it didnt work,lol

carissa said...

so sorry you feel stinky! this made me laugh.

Kimi said...

Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom...yeah, it does tend to make you crazy after a few hundred thosand times, doesn't it.

Kelley said...

mom, ma, mommy, maaa, maaa...its like when you are getting off a plane...by, bu-bye, bye now....they both make me daft!