If I Meet More People
Maybe I Will Make It Out Alive

Wow has it been a busy day so far. I can't really say it started this morning because my husband is just awesome and lets me sleep in on the weekends. But after I finally got up and had my liquid gold, aka coffee, we headed out. First we went to the food co-op. It stinks that it's a little pricey, but after eating like crap for the past month or 3 it was worth it. Then we headed over to Whole Foods. I love, love, LOVE that store! I stocked up on some healthy snacks for the kids. Then we had sushi for lunch. The kids usually get some sort of vegetable rolls, but they love it. The only thing that irks me about going out for sushi is that everyone can use chopsticks but me. Yes, even Little Dude, who is 4.

So now we're home and I finally get to sit down for a bit. The kids are eating some grapes. Thank goodness they have something to put in their mouths now because I was close to killing grounding them. And GG is already grounded. She doesn't need to make things worse.

So anyway, I'm now home and I thought I would see if there were any good posts out there to catch up on. Well, guess what. I found one! SupahMommy is trying to be a Twitter hoarder help her stalkers friends increase their Twitter traffic. I'm all for that!

To play along and increase your twitter twaffic: we need to meet some new people.

1. Click on my twitter Icon below. Follow me!

2. Shout me a hello on twitter.
@_MamaJules_ I follow!! #yotweeps

Then I'll know you followed and I'll reciprocate.
SO EASY to do this way! Especially if you use tweetdeck.

Want more tweeps?


3. Grab the YO Tweeps Button

Now go forth, tweet, and meet some new tweeple!

And wish me luck that I don't lose a child by the end of the day. My running around is not done yet. Is it ever?

Until next time...


Shell said...

I can't use chopsticks, either. ;)

Cool twitter idea!

Anonymous said...

chop sticks drive me nuts, cant do them either;( but I love sushi

Anything Fits A Naked Man said...

Yep, I'm a chopsticks moron, too!

Amy said...

I have thought about tweeting too.. Just have not done it..

Tag you are it if you want to play along..
