6 years ago we took our first official family vacation to Chincoteague Island, VA. Have you ever heard the story about the horses that cross the river every year? Ya, this is the place where it happens. Unfortunately it didn't work out where we could vacay the week of the horse crossing festivities. Maybe someday.
Anyway, our first trip, GG was 2 years old. Unfortunately she doesn't remember this trip much. We returned the following summer and she remembers a little from that trip. I remember my feet getting burned like never before. Apparently when you're 8+ months pregnant, you're really susceptible to sunburn.
Ok, really, back to my photo strip. The first picture, well, it's really self-explanatory. The girl wanted to go to the beach! The second one is GG exploring the sand and trying to bury herself. In the 3rd picture, we found a sand crab! I went to Nags Head, NC many times as a kid and that was my favorite thing to do on the beach. So of course I had to teach my little girl how to find the little buggers in all that sand!
The last picture is my absolute favorite! It's GG and her dad walking hand-in-hand towards the ocean.
Hopefully some day we can take another trip to the beach. Little Dude has no idea what the beach and the ocean look like except in pictures or on tv. He would have a ball digging! Well, I guess technically he was at the beach. Remember I did say we went when I was very pregnant. But that probably doesn't really count, does it?
Until next time....

there is a great book on the story of the horses, I read it over and over when I was a child;)
great pics, looks and sounds like a good vava....Im with ya on the winter thing, over it;)
great explanation of the pics, no shot of those feet, eh???? LOL
Thanks for driving my longing for summer that much further :D
What sweet pictures. I love vacation, beach or no beach!!
I miss summer :(
I know the islands well!! Spent every summer in Maryland and "pony island" as my daughter calls it was always a fav spot! Your pictures make me miss summer!!!
Although I live in Cali and freezing with this rain, I am a big baby. I miss Summer :(... then when summmer comes i will prob cry that I am too hot ROFL.....
Have a great weekend!
Ahhhh, Summer!!! Thanks, I needed that! Such great pictures, thanks so much for sharing!
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