Actually, it's more like what a weekend, what a weekend!
Every weekend this month is full on my calendar, and I hope they all go as well as this one did. Only without the rude awakening.
Friday started out bright and early in Little Dude's Kindergarten class.

Him and his friends are learning about the letter "M". To involve their lessons more with some outside sources, aka the parents, they had a Muffins with Mom morning.
Each mom, grandma, aunt, etc was invited into the classroom and asked to sit in their respective child's seat. I think I speak for all the women in attendance when I say that those chairs were very hard to get back out of. You do realize how short the typical Kindergartner is, right?
We had a choice of blueberry or banana nut muffins. I choose blueberry. We also had a choice of milk or OJ. Apparently Little Dude didn't think I had a choice because he brought me OJ instead of asking which I prefer. OJ would not have been the answer, but I drank it anyway.
While we were eating with our little people, we helped them make a craft.
Monkey puppets!!
I took the rest of the day for myself as I prepared for our fun filled evening. I signed the kids and I up to see Toy Story 3 at our library.
I must say I am pretty impressed with myself. Usually if it takes this long for me to see a movie, I already know too much about it to want to see it anyway. Not this time! All I knew was Andy goes to college and I will cry.
I know I'm not the only one who waited too long to see the movie so I won't give out any spoilers. But I will say that the movie was absotively posalutely wonderful. And yes, I cried. So did GG!!
Saturday the boys had a day together while us girls went out shopping. I had a coupon for GG to Build-a-Bear burning a hole in my purse, so off we went. Heaven knows this girl does NOT need another stuffed animal! As tempting as it was to let her get the peace sign bear, I held my ground. She found an adorable peace sign outfit with matching Twinkle Toe shoes.

We stopped to buy some cookies for the ride home and it was off to make dinner and prepare for yet another fun filled evening. I told you we were busy! My sister from another mister was having a party for her daughter's birthday. Lots of kids, lots of sugar! In other words, it was a fun night!
After running around like that for 2 days straight, I was really looking forward to spending some time in my bed. I ended up staying up later than I planned because the hockey game was on the West Coast. Since I'm on the East, I knew it would end no earlier than midnight. But never fear, daylight savings time would come to my rescue!
Or so I thought! Stupid me forgot to reset my alarm clock. It did in fact go off at my intended time - 7:45. Unfortunately it was in reality 6:45. Between the lack of sleep and the bitter cold weather, I was not a happy mama at the soccer field Sunday morning.
I will save that story for another day. It was trophy day, and that deserves it's own post!
Until next time....

No wonder you wanted to climb in bed after all that!
Sounds like a great weekend. I am so glad outdoor soccer has been over for us for two weeks already. Although basketball and Futsal starts this week, at least they are indoors. Let the insanity begin (again).
LOL TS3 was totally fantastic. The monkey puppet just too adorable. Looks like I might be buying paper bags and surfing the net for all kinds of animal bag puppets to make. I also love love love Build a Bear even better then I liked Babyland General Hospital.
That IS a busy weekend. We bought TS 3 as a family gift from Santa for Christmas. I want to bust it out of the package and watch it right now!!
jeepers I got tired just reading sounds like a lot of fun:)
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