Anyway, this got me thinking of my own kids. The milestones they hit within that first year are so huge. For example, one day your baby is laying there smiling at you. The next they're rolling all over the place getting stuck under tables and stuff! After reading this post I've been trying to seek out new things that my kids are learning. The biggies are obvious - like new things GG learns in school or when Little Dude points out a letter we just learned.
The newest thing I've noticed with Little Dude is time. Almost every day he asks if we are going to so and so's house on the next morning. That's what he says instead of "tomorrow" - cute! Last Friday he asked when we were going to Grandma and Pap's house. I said in 2 days. He explained to me that we would visit them after 2 times of dark. In other words, after 2 nights it would be the day to go to their house. Abstract thinking - awesome!
Before typing out this post I was looking at my cousin's new baby. She is so friggin cute! And chubby - she reminds me of how GG was (she was F-A-T!!!). I look at my own kids sometimes and realize that I miss those baby days. The first word, the first food, the first steps. It's funny because now I can't get them to stop talking, eating, or moving! But I do miss those first milestones. Seeing Little Dude understand things such as time and watching GG figure out complicated word problems helps me to realize that those milestones will never stop.
Some day down the road there will be the first date, learning how to drive a car, marriage, and watching their own babies hit those ever important milestones.
But let's not rush that, ok? I'll just savor each day as it comes and embrace the new things that we discover today.
Until next time....

I miss having little ones around. My oldest is going for his license eventually lol.. First to get his meds in his system enough that he doesn't sleep through the tests..
I love when they start learning about time. So cute.
Buddy's big thing right now is to say "even" instead of "too". Like "Mom likes it even". When he finally gets the "too", it will be a huge milestone for him. LOL
I'm already sad that my little guy is getting bigger by the minute....and he's only 8 months old. Haha.
Stopping by from SITS and hope you have a great week :)
No rushing right.. It does go by so fast.. My next milestone I want to happen in my house is potty training..
You tricked me! Got me all excited to come over here and read, and now I'm crying. I can NOT think about dating, and driving, and wives! My uterus is throbbing. I want another baby so badly. I swear, if my tubes weren't tied I'd be the next Duggar mom. Only, with more stylish clothing and cute handbags:)
Lovely post - why do they have to grow up so fast? One minute they are learning their first words and the next they are talking non-stop! I am just so amazed at how much and how quickly these little people change, it is fascinating and so much fun. I actually am finding each stage more fun than the last - I thought 2 was amazing but 3 is even more fun.
It is harder to see the milestones now, I think. They aren't as obvious as those baby ones. I miss the baby ones.
It is amazing how much I've let pass me by. I can always use the reminder to savor the moments. THANK YOU.
It is always so important to remember to savor the moment. Thanks for the reminder.
BTW, little Dude sounds like a sharp cookie.
Seriously, I needed to hear this right now. Lately, my 19 month-old has been so difficult and I find myself wishing this time away - and then I need to remind myself she will NEVER be this little again.
Thank you for this tonight - I needed to hear it.
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