Black Cloud Over My Head

It's been a heck of a week and this black cloud is just the icing on the cake, so to speak.

Monday GG was "sick" and stayed home from school. Sick is in quotes because she wasn't all that sick. She was fighting a cold last week and her asthma kicked in over the weekend. She barely slept Sunday night so I figured staying home Monday would be good for her. She is doing much better now, thank goodness.

Tuesday I woke up and thought I was going to die due t lack of oxygen. My head was so stuffed up it wasn't even funny! I tried 2 different cold medicines and steamy showers, but nothing helped. Luckily by the time I went to bed I had somewhat cleared up. At least enough to breathe a little better so I could sleep.

And then yesterday, Chris was sick. But that is both good and bad. Good because we didn't have to get up early to take him to work. Good because I didn't have to take Little Dude with me to drop GG off at school - he could just hang out a bit in his jammies. I did take Little Dude to story time at the library, but was able to drop him off at home before the PTA meeting. Those meetings are always much better when I don't have to chase him. He has a buddy there and they like to chase each other and they tend to get pretty loud. I still wasn't feeling all that great yesterday so I decided to skip my Girl Scout leader meeting. Those meetings are mentally exhausting and I just didn't have it in me to sit through it. The nice thing ~ I was able to stay home and watch all of the hockey game. Too bad they lost! I'm predicting the Pens got the loss out of the way and will win the next 4 so they can move on to round 2.

Last night I also had to finish our taxes. Talk about last minute, right?! I always make sure I have extra copies of the forms. I roughly fill out one and then copy those numbers onto the forms that get mailed. Chris was going to sign the forms this morning so I could mail them out. We had a few issues that really ticked me off before I could mail the forms, but thankfully everything is in order now. I hope! I'm always afraid I screwed something up. I used to rock at math, but I've been out of school a while, so my skills have declined a bit. Or a lot!

And now for the icing on the cake...

It was one of those things where you say "Of course this would only happen to me and on a day where I am NOT in a good mood". I was standing in the front yard debating on if I should put capris on since it is supposed to hit 80 today, but was still a little chilly at the moment. All of the sudden something hit me. I thought maybe a bird flew overhead and did his business on my head. Wouldn't be the first time! But no, it was rain. Everywhere I looked the sky was blue. Not a cloud in sight except for the dark, gloomy one right over my house. I hope that wasn't an omen for what's to come the rest of the day!

Until next time....


Oka said...

I think it was a sign of luck :D

Hope everyone is feeling better :D

Unknown said...

Good grief you gotme needing a breather hun..I don't hink it was a bad sign at all I think it was a good sign, God giving you a cleaning of the soul. rain always signals a renewing in the spiritual sense.. sooo bring the rainnn

Adoption of Jane said...

HAHAHA Sorry but i had to laugh at the cloud only over you.. sounds like something that would happen to me.

Ugh Asthma sucks! The Terror grew out of it, thank god! Hope GG is feeling better soon. We had the whole house is sick last month.. blah! Feel better... not being able to breathe sucks and its scary.

Stacey @ Chasing Cloud 9 said...

And I thought I was having a bad week! I hope it starts getting better for you real soon!!

Shell said...

Hope your day gets better!

Kristin said...

I had a day like that yesterday. It sucked. Hope tomorrow is better for both of us.

Kmama said...

I'm sorry you've had a rough week. I hope it get better yesterday and that today and the weekend will be great.

The Wings lost too. :-(