This got me to thinking. And if I don't put my thoughts down on paper, so to speak, then they will bounce around my head all day. That leaves less room for anything else I need to think about throughout the day. Believe it or not, I do that sometimes. Think, that is. Now I'm getting off track. Let me get back to my inner workings...
What is Mom Sexy? Here is what the Mommyologist has to say about it. I love what she is doing with this type of sexy because it's exactly what I'm looking for. I'm not always comfortable in my own skin and you can read about it here. I know not everyone clicks on back links so let me just sum it up and say that it shouldn't matter how big or little you are. Being comfortable in your own skin is Mom Sexy. For me, appearance doesn't always mean everything. I can go out in public with yoga pants and flip flops and still feel comfortable. It's the confidence that I can take on many different tasks while still being me that does it. Although I will admit, getting gussied up doesn't hurt either! I do have a black dress and some killer shoes that I am dying to wear again. Yes, that was a hint to the husband should he stop in and read this today!
But it's not always about getting that dressed up. Although some comfy jeans and a cute tee don't hurt - lol! But it's about recognizing me for who I am and focusing on the good so I can realize that I can accomplish anything I want. It doesn't matter that I have toothpaste down my shirt or my hair is in a perma-ponytail. Confidence is key. And support from those around you is always great to have!
I cannot make any promises that I will not have my bad days, but from here on out I will look on the positive. What can I do and what do I have to offer. Not wondering why my body can't look like someone in a magazine. Or why I can't be supermom who has a perfect house with perfect looking kids, because you know what? My kids are perfect! Even if my son's face is covered with cheese curls, he has spilled milk on his shorts, and mud covering 1 leg. And sometimes the chores can wait - we didn't pay good money for 2 scooters to have them not be used! But I really should go do the dishes now if I plan on having room to cook tonight.
Until next time....

How right you are! Being comfortable in your own skin is MOM SEXY!!
I read the Mommyologist's post yesterday and have been thinking about it too. You are so right, it is about being confident in yourself - for me, since my daughter was born three years ago the sexy has definitely been missing. Somehow forever being in Mom clothes and having one main topic of conversation which is my daughter just doesn't give me that confidence. So I need to work on it.
loving ourselves, or being comfy in our own skin is so important, and so hard....
brilliant post my friend
That's definitely a Mom Sexy attitude! Love it!
And I hope your husband reads this and takes you out somewhere where you can wear that dress!
Very well said my friend!! It is so true...we may not look like we belong on a magazine cover, but that shouldn't interfere with our self worth or our sexy for that matter!! SO excited that you linked up!
Love the attitude!!
What a fabulous attitude. I think being comfortable in your own skin is the sexiest thing around.
got nothing to say...just a big smile! Good 4 u !
I agree you can feel and be Mom Sexy no matter what you're wearing. It's an attitude/state of mind that comes from within.
I came over from Mary Mommyologist's McLinky and am your newest follower. I wrote my own Mom Sexy Post...and am trying very hard lately to see myself differently.
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