I Got Something to Say

See, we only get the sun on the front porch in the morning, so by mid day, whatever was on the porch is now a layer of thick ice. Like a few inches of ice! Now that I don't work and am home most of the time... well ice...it's on. Like Donkey Kong!

I hope you enjoyed Post-it Tuesday. Stop on over and visit SupahMommy's blog to see what everyone else had to say.

And my little fancy dancy Christmas card? Pretty nifty, right? Quit laughing! I worked 2 minutes hard on that! I wanted to show off my lame photo skills for the SITS girls. I could have shown you the fugly one, but I sent that over to parenting by dummies for the lovely contest she has going on.

Until next time...


The Princess of Sarcasm said...

I can't believe my kids haven't rearranged the tree either!!!! Cute posties. :)

Kmama said...

Love it!

Be careful with the ice/salt on your porch. Is it cement? If so, use ice melter instead of salt. Salt will bust up the cement. I say this like I know from experience, right?!?!

Cute pic, and Merry SITSmas!

Marina@EBMR said...

cute pic and love the notes!!!

Merry SITSmas and Christmas joy to you!


Melissa Miller said...

Enjoy this joyous season Evonne!

Merry SITSmas to you as well! :)

Unknown said...

Yay for salt to melt the ice! Hope you have a very happy Christmas season with your beautiful children : ) And if you talk them into cleaning the outdoors can you teach me how so I can get my son to do it too : )

Quasi Serendipita said...

I love the post its! Happy SITSmas :)

Annie @ astonesthrowfrominsanity said...

My kiddies have unfortunately rearranged mine. My 2 yo has no less than 17 ornaments on one branch! Merry SITSmas!

Dawn said...

My kids have rearranged the tree-the baby broke 3 ornaments the first day! Ice-we've got it, salt I need to get-we're never prepared for it!

Merry Sitsmas!

Jessica said...

I just love the post its, too cute! Merry Sitsmas to you and your family.


Meg @ Higgins Happenings said...

I can relate to the slow driver's post it! Why do they do it?? It's just to be a meanie! Move it or lose it! Good luck with the Ice War! I'm rooting for you! Cute Blog!

TheAtticGirl said...

Great post it-s! Merry SITSmas!

carissajaded said...

Such a cute picture!!! And love the notes. Came here by way of Suppah Mommy, and love the site!!

Theta Mom said...

Pass your slow a$$, lol! Too funny! Merry SITSmas!

Curious said...

Ugg we have that ice problem too in our driveway. I like seriously have contemplated seeing how much it would cost to move our house to the fit the direction of the sun beams better lol

You will win the fight!

Corrie Howe said...

My daughter is in love with the tree...won't leave it alone.

I played Post Its on my second blog at www.corriehowe.wordpress.com. I don't know where the link to my name will take you. ;-)

The Grasshoppa:Triplets Plus Two Momma said...

oh just ga-rate.
Now I want thin mints.

Thanks alot!!!!

Happy SITSmas.

Melanie said...

Just stopping by from SITS, I love the Posit-It Tuesday, notes. Very cute!


Alicia said...

Great post! I hate drivers that try and speed up when i pass them! I love your Christmas background! Very cute!

Cluttered Brain said...

MERRY SITMAS! I like how you added the posties in your Christmas SITS post...Cute!

I hope you and yours have a very wonderful Christmas this season!

It's been great going to your blog!;)

Amy said...

what a funny post. Love the card..

Happy SITSmas..

Anonymous said...

love the card.......as always funny stick its;)

Taylor Stoddard said...

Love the notes! Just wanted to say Merry SITSmas!

Mae Rae said...

Why do slow people do that? Does my passing you make you more aware of the fact that you are slow or am I waking you up...ugh! lob the one about the sicky too...I would be laughing.

Unknown said...

your better than we are. we don't even have the tree up yet! its just laying on the floor in the living room waiting to go up. Cute post-it's!

Kelly said...

Merry SITSmas!
We have that same problem with our porch.


Wishing you a very merry SITSmas Evonne!

Allison said...

I love you card and the post its but then I always do!

We have this horrible dripping gutter that unloads right on our front steps. No matter what we do, we can't fix it and that creates ice galore in the winter. I've gotta get my salt ready!

Queenie Jeannie said...

Your blog is so festive!!

Merry SITSmas!!!

Liz Mays said...

I've got my good salt ready too. It's sleeting right now and I'm ready for battle!

Is it time for Thin Mints already? YAY!

Julie said...

I love it! The post-its are awesome! :)

Merry SITSmas!

pink and green mama MaryLea said...

Wishing you a Merry SITSmas and wishing I had some of your salt, we've got a nasty ice storm starting - ugh!

Trac~ said...

Love you're post-its and your background is so cute! P.S. Thank you for your sweet comments about my puppy, Buddy. I will miss him but am happy he went to a good home. :o)

chrisy said...

Merry SITSmas! And I think your card is lovely! You have adorable kids!

Unknown said...

Merry SITS-mas! Sorry I'm late, still working through the list.

Tracie said...

I like your card! I'm not a SITster so I'll wish you a plain old Merry Christmas!!!

Andi said...

I love the Post-its! Sorry I am late, but I am making my way through the entire SITSmas list, I want to visit everyone to wish everyone happy holidays! So Merry SITSmas!