On the 4th itself, things really get busy. Especially this year.
Of course we all don our red, white, and blue. Little Dude wanted his hair sprayed red and blue again this year. Thankfully GG opted out of it. Last year, the red stained her hair for 2 months!
Along with the spray colors, Little Dude also wanted a mohawk. Surprising it held up most of the day! Please don't ask why he looks stoned in this picture. He has the same look in almost all pictures I take!
This year was especially busy because we were walking in the parade with the Girl Scouts. Little Dude was supposed to try and walk with the anti-bully group for the schools, but he somehow managed to stay with us girls.
While I walked with our troop and our lovely float built around a stroller
Little Dude took a ride in the van. The whole entire route!
After we successfully walked (and rode through) the parade, we made the trek back home for lunch. I had to make a quick trip to my mom's before heading to a picnic at a friend's house. I think this is a picnic we might have to go to every year. Both of my kids had friends there, as did I. As well as good food and good drinks! Everyone needs a little whipped cream vodka for the holidays!
As the sun began to set behind the storm clouds, a friend and I, with our 5 collective kids in tow, began our walk uphill to the high school stadium for the firework display. We found a good spot where everyone could see and my friend's stroller was easily accessible. As soon as a drum and bugle corps began to play, the sky opened up. For the second night in a row, we were caught in the rain. Thankfully my friend's husband, who volunteers for the 4th of July committee, was there. He found us a nice dry spot in the press box to wait out the storm.
The rain finally stopped and it only delayed the start of the fireworks by 10 minutes. We found a new spot to sit and waited for the show to start. It was well worth the wait!
Yes, this is a firework!
Pretty awesome, right?!
Pretty awesome, right?!
Wordful Wednesday by

Until next time...

What fun! It sounds like you guys really do your Fourth of July celebration right. I especially like the red and blue mohawk :)
I love that picture of the first firework! So awesome!!
your son know hows to do a parade ;) lol
hope the rain helped w/ temps
I love the red and blue mohawk!!
Oh how much fun!!
and I LOVE LOVE LOVE the mohawk!!
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