On this day six years ago you came into this world. You were an 8 pound, 5 ounce screaming mess, but perfectly healthy. The first few months were rough. I truly believe you were sent to us to teach me the value of patience.

We have both gotten much better, but patience is still something we continue to work on. You are a stubborn little boy, but I know that will serve you well in the future.
You remind me every day to stop and take in the little things. The smallest bug on our front steps or the first bud on our flowers that is starting to bloom. The smile on your face when you see such things is much more than words can express.
You inquisitive nature can be a thing of beauty. At times your endless questions can drive me insane, but it also shows you love to learn.
At six years old, you are still so innocent. I fear that you will see things I do not wish you to see. I cannot protect you forever, but I know you have the ability to hold your own. Your stubbornness means you will stand firm in your beliefs. Your inquisitive nature will lead you to learn more about what do not understand.
I will always be here to guide you through your life, but right now I want to stop and enjoy the little things, just as you do.
I want to smile as you carefully open your gifts. I want to laugh as you eat your cake in typical messy, little boy style. I want to watch the excitement creep over your face as you learn to play your new games.

Michael, you have so many great things ahead of you, but right now, enjoy your birthday. For now you are six.
Happy birthday, Little Dude!
Until next time...

Happy Birthday sweetie..
Happy Birthday to your little guy! Its amazing how quickly they grow up!
Beautifully said. Happy birthday to your handsome 6-year-old! :)
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