The teachers at the kids' school and the 3rd graders got together to set up a thank you treat for the PTA. We had cards from most of the teachers thanking us for all the PTA did for teacher appreciation week. Each day the teachers received something, with a luncheon at the end of the week. The teachers were very appreciative, especially since our school was the only one out of the four to do something for our teachers that week.

The final PTA meeting of the year was to follow our luncheon. The seven of us who are regulars (four of those being officers - sad) were joking that more people would show for the meeting because of the free food. We were surprised that only two other people showed. What amazed me was that they left after eating and didn't stay for the meeting.
Out of the 250 students in the school, almost all of them have at least one parent who is a PTA member. When it comes time to help for events and activities within the school, there are maybe 12 people who volunteer to help. For the meetings, I'm shocked when there are more than 7 people there. But offer free food and they come out of the woodwork.
The nerve of some people!
Until next time....

always, always hold the meeting first
Frre food grabs people everytime! Sounds like a very hectic day, the saying on the cards are very cute!
i agree with Oka give the meeting first then bring out the food :)
I think many schools have that problem. The majority of the officers in the PTA at my son's school are teachers. It's really sad.
It's really nice that they recognized you guys!
It is sad...different but our church...anytime there is a potluck, our numbers food brings out everyone!
My kids had to do that too! I'm wondering what those teachers are going to do with 30 packages of M&Ms since that is the favorite candy bar listed on the form that came home. They could have at least picked one that was on sale!
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