I need to purge our living room of toys that are no longer played with. Don't tell the kids! I do this when they are at school because what they don't know won't hurt them.
Once I have the space in our living room, I need to pull out my Wii Fit balance board and give it a good dusting. I should probably replace the batteries. Just in case!
I need to do some yoga to stretch my body out, some strength training so I can kick some ass, and finally I need to dip into the balance activities. The one in particular that I need to focus on is the hula hoop.
Why do I need to do all these things? Partly because I do need to get back into shape, but the main reason is because of this....

In case you need help deciphering 5-year-old-ese, allow me to translate.
Hula hoop scooter
The more I look at this, I realize I better look into some sort of scooter riding game so I can really perfect my skills. As of now I can barely hula hoop, let alone do it while riding a scooter!
Until next time....

good luck ;)
Roflmbo have to give it to them on originality.. and you are a braver woman then I.
Heehee! I love "kontust". So stinking cute.
Good luck with that death trap, oops, I mean, contest!
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