Dedicated to the one I love

9 years ago

dedicated to the one I love

dedicated to the one I love

dedicated to the one I love

We may have looked different, but one fact remained the same. We loved each other.

9 years ago we said "I do".

It was a rainy Thursday as we walked hand in hand into the JP. It was a whirl wind kind of day, as were the following weeks. During the next month we would adjust to living together as newlyweds as we prepared for the arrival of a daughter.

I wouldn't change a thing about that day. Rain on your wedding day is supposed to be good luck and so many good things have happened n the 9 years since.

Happy anniversary honey. I look forward to many more happy years together!

Only Parent Chronicles

Until next time....


June said...

Happy anniversary!!

Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary!

Rochelle@AFamilyofLooneys said...

So sweet, hope you have a wonderful anniversary.

Jessica said...

Happy Anniversary! I'm your newest follower!

Anonymous said...

CONGRATS! Today must be the day to celebrate, its my sis 25th wedding anniversary today as well.

Hope you have a delightful day full of celebration :)

Kmama said...

Aww, happy anniversary!!

Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary!

Anonymous said...

awwwwww Happy Anniversary!!!!!!!! ♥

cfoxes33 said...

That was sweet.

KristinFilut said...

Aw, happy I do day!!!

Losing Brownies said...

Happy Anniversary!!