Whose name?
Our Elf on the Shelf's name, of course. It took quite some time to agree upon this name. We had Harold, Jack, and Max the Great in the pot. Trying to help i the decision making process, I threw some names out there as well. Since I was listening to a hockey game, those were the names I mentioned - Sid, Flower, Crosby, Maxime. Hockey names were banned, but somehow the kids agreed on Geno, a hockey player's nickname.
I am glad I brought an elf into this house. For the most part, behavior has improved. If nothing else, the kids enjoy trying to find him every morning. Assuming I remember to move him (so far, so good). It's a good thing I made the decision to buy Geno when I did because right now those elves are about as easy to find as a LeapPad!
Our Geno started off quite innocent. Early on, he was found driving some toy trucks, and another morning he was trying to play the Wii. But Geno has also had his share of trouble. A few days in, Geno discovered a string of beads. I have had this string of beads for years but can never figure out where to put it at Christmas. Geno must have tried to help because one morning he was tangled up in those beads.
After that, I believe Geno got a taste for mischief. Geno also appears to have a taste for sweets, as you can see here...

A few years ago, my aunt made a beautiful Christmas countdown chart for the kids. I place 2 candy cane flavored Hershey Kisses in each pocket,and 4 in the Christmas day pocket. The pockets are not in numerical order. My kids love searching for each number every night after dinner. Apparently Geno doesn't care what the date is. He just wants his candy!
This post is linked up with the I'm Elfing it Up Photo Contest
hosted by KludgyMom

Do you have an Elf on the Shelf?
What are his favorite places to hide?
Until next time...

Very cute.
The other day, Cody (our elf) was found with Buddy's cup in his arms and all the water was gone. Buddy found it hysterical, but was adamant that we wash his cup because he didn't want "elf germs." LOL
Hee hee. Those elves sure do like their sweets. Dash, our elf, has been able to keep his sweet tooth in check... so far
We found Elfie toilet papered to a lamp shade a few mornings ago. And this morning he had dragged out a toy ladder truck and had tried to climb to the top of the TV, only to tangle himself in the cord. Love the candy idea :)
Love this idea and may get one this year and save it for next. Eric will be 4 going on 5 and he may be more interested in looking for his elf and staying on the 'nice list' instead of the 'naughty list'. I'm noticing several freinds who are totally into the elf on the shelf craze, I love hearing the stories and yours is just too cute. I have a friend who bought her son a toy submarine and put the elf in the sub to hang out.
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